Implosionen in Glas - Bea Stoertz - Ein virtueller Kurs (in einer Facebook Gruppe)
Dies ist ein Onlinekurs in Englischer Sprache. Er wird in einer Facebook Gruppe mit diversen Videoanleitungen gezeigt.
€ 65,00 *
Versandkosten: Keine Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: Download nach Bezahlung
Verfügbarkeit: verfügbar
A digital class by Bea Stoertz (English only)
Release date: Juli 1st, 2021
Before you buy, please note: the videos are hosted on Facebook. You must have a Facebook account to participate.
Here‘s how it works:
After purchase, please hit the download button and open the pdf file. This will contain a link to the group.
Following the link to the Facebook group, please request access by answering the questions. I will then add you (being located in Germany I may not be able to act immediately due to time difference).
There is one private group for all learning videos and a companion group for any questions and for showing off your finished pieces.
About the class:
This is an excerpt of my 3 day Implosions class and is not a substitute for classes in a studio on site. What I am showing here is part of the third day and all about 3D implosions for wearable marbles. Implosions, the way they are worked by marble makers in Boro glass require a far-reaching understanding of molten glass.
The advantage of this technique is an almost garuanteed satisfying result, even if you have never made implosions before.
I came up with this technique 2018 and have been told from my class hosts and students, that this has not been done that way before.
This video tutorial is for intermediate skilled bead makers. You should have a feel for heat control and some stringer control. A kiln is indispensable.
In prerecorded videos I will show you implosion techniques with stringers, twisties and wig-wags and we will also go through implosion techniques with enamels.
I’ll explain possibilies how to finish your work piece and get a lovely and unique jewelry pendant.
There will be full demo videos of the making from beginning to end and there will also be shorter detailed videos on special themes, e.g. how I do my prep work or how I lay my patterns.
You will also find a brief printable hand out for your notes.
Once you are in the class group, you can stay member and watch the videos as long and often as you wish.
The companion group is for the socializing part. There you find a Q+A and a show+tell section. I will check in once in a while.
A digital class by Bea Stoertz (English only)
Release date: Juli 1st, 2021
Before you buy, please note: the videos are hosted on Facebook. You must have a Facebook account to participate.
Here‘s how it works:
After purchase, please hit the download button and open the pdf file. This will contain a link to the group.
Following the link to the Facebook group, please request access by answering the questions. I will then add you (being located in Germany I may not be able to act immediately due to time difference).
There is one private group for all learning videos and a companion group for any questions and for showing off your finished pieces.
About the class:
This is an excerpt of my 3 day Implosions class and is not a substitute for classes in a studio on site. What I am showing here is part of the third day and all about 3D implosions for wearable marbles. Implosions, the way they are worked by marble makers in Boro glass require a far-reaching understanding of molten glass.
The advantage of this technique is an almost garuanteed satisfying result, even if you have never made implosions before.
I came up with this technique 2018 and have been told from my class hosts and students, that this has not been done that way before.
This video tutorial is for intermediate skilled bead makers. You should have a feel for heat control and some stringer control. A kiln is indispensable.
In prerecorded videos I will show you implosion techniques with stringers, twisties and wig-wags and we will also go through implosion techniques with enamels.
I’ll explain possibilies how to finish your work piece and get a lovely and unique jewelry pendant.
There will be full demo videos of the making from beginning to end and there will also be shorter detailed videos on special themes, e.g. how I do my prep work or how I lay my patterns.
You will also find a brief printable hand out for your notes.
Once you are in the class group, you can stay member and watch the videos as long and often as you wish.
The companion group is for the socializing part. There you find a Q+A and a show+tell section. I will check in once in a while.
*Inkl. ges. MwSt. und keine Versandkosten.